IMPACT INVESTING Q4 2024: Governance | Page 3

Incorporates long-term capital

appreciation with downside

protection. We seek to consider both

financial return and social good. The

strategy invests in a diversified

portfolio of stocks and ETFs in low-risk

markets, and protects principal in

high-risk markets by moving to cash.

The strategy proactively monitors

long-term market trends to evaluate the

risk / reward of having market exposure

versus protecting capital.

BakerAvenue's Impact Strategy Factsheet

Sector Diversification:

Key Benefits:

represent $14tn in annual sales

Broad sector and industry diversification.

A variety of internal and external

analytical tools are used to isolate

socially responsible and high-quality


Strict and unemotional sell discipline

using both technical and fundamental


Invests in preeminent and

financially-solid companies that allocate

their resources with the goal of creating

positive change in their communities and

the world.

> View Q4 2024 Strategy fact sheets and disclosures

Top Holdings:

Portfolio Characteristics: